Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blogs, We Are A Changin'

Well, it's time for a change. When I started this Blog, my intent was to periodically post things that I found online that interested me. I also thought that, occasionally, I'd post my opinions and thoughts about current issues, news items, social commentary, and the like. Unfortunately, I never quite found my...voice; I never hit my "stride", at least on a consistent basis. So, instead of either continuing to flounder along with no real sense of direction, or abandoning it all together, I've decided to make a radical change, or "course correction", if you will.

Beginning with this post, I'm re-dedicating the purpose of this blog to things Leevis Says about the ABC Television Soap Opera All My Children. From news and rumors, story line recaps and discussions, to my thoughts and opinions, anything is fair game. From time to time, I may also expand coverage to also include ABC's One Life to Live as well.

As always, your comments and questions are welcome. Keep in mind, however, that Leevis Says is all about what I think, and I may or may not share them publicly.


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